Below is a very interesting piece by my friend Ron Roll, the Gtotoy. He injects a bit of humor and irreverence in this piece from a few months back as he slices up fundamentals against technicals. He makes some great points as to how fundamentals fail to make a difference in trading – especially in the short term, while charts can portray the best picture. I hope you enjoy this. Ron can be found at and on twitter, @gtotoy (he’s a great follow).
Some of you respect my technical analysis prowess. Most of you do not. As I continue to carve notches of deviant SPX conquests on my 4-post bed, a few of you are coming around. But what almost no one realizes is that my mad TA skillz are the direct by-product of my ultra-mega-macro-fundamental-analysis (UMMFA); and yes, it’s quite a bit bigger than yours.
You see, the cornerstone of UMMFA is a little thing I like to call reality. You might’ve heard of it. It may have even slapped you across the face with a weighted fleshy girth a time or two in the past. But in my experience, most traders flee like a streetwalker in 6-inch pumps running from a Japanese fishing village hanging-10 in March at the first glimpse of it. This reality…con’d