Options Trading Services
If you are serious about developing an in-depth understanding of options trading while receiving real-time trading guidance, the Explosive Options Trading Service memberships are perfect for you.
Access to Bob Lang, the industry’s leading technical expert
Trade ideas that are handpicked to minimize market exposure and maximize returns (includes both call and put spreads)
Spread trading ideas
Swing trading ideas
Real-time trading information
Rich educational content via webinar library
Charts and technical analysis
Training focused on options trading strategies, risk management, and the psychology of markets
The opportunity to “ladder” trades to produce steady income
Trade monitoring; trade updates will be sent when necessary
Access to deep market knowledge and technical analysis
Peek over the shoulder of active traders and get instant feedback
Receive options trading education that benefits both beginning and advanced traders
Insights on both swing and spread trading
Share option ideas and get feedback
Actionable trade ideas with real time option flow
Optional SMS text alerts
Total Access
- Access to Bob Lang, the industry’s leading technical expert
- Trade ideas that are handpicked to minimize market exposure and maximize returns (includes both call and put spreads)
- Spread trading ideas
- Directional trading ideas
- Real-time trading information
- Rich educational content via webinar library
- Charts and technical analysis
- Training focused on options trading strategies, risk management, and the psychology of markets
- The opportunity to “ladder” trades to produce steady income
- Trade monitoring; trade updates will be sent when necessary
- Access to deep market knowledge and technical analysis
- Peek over the shoulder of active traders and get instant feedback
- Receive options trading education that benefits both beginning and advanced traders
- Insights on both directional and spread trading
- Actionable trade ideas with real time option flow
- Optional SMS text alerts
Spread Trading
- Access to Bob Lang, the industry’s leading technical expert
- Trade ideas that are handpicked to minimize market exposure and maximize returns (includes both call and put spreads)
- Spread trading ideas
- Real-time trading information
- Rich educational content via webinar library
- The opportunity to “ladder” trades to produce steady income
- Trade monitoring; trade updates will be sent when necessary
- Access to deep market knowledge and technical analysis
- Optional SMS text alerts
Swing Trading
- Access to Bob Lang, the industry’s leading technical expert
- Directional trading ideas
- Real-time trading information
- Rich educational content via webinar library
- Charts and technical analysis
- Training focused on options trading strategies, risk management, and the psychology of markets
- Access to deep market knowledge and technical analysis
- Receive options trading education that benefits both beginning and advanced traders
- Optional SMS text alerts
Trading Chat Room
- Access to Bob Lang, the industry’s leading technical expert
- Spread trading ideas
- Directional trading ideas
- Real-time trading information
- Training focused on options trading strategies, risk management, and the psychology of markets
- Access to deep market knowledge and technical analysis
- Peek over the shoulder of active traders and get instant feedback
- Receive options trading education that benefits both beginning and advanced traders
- Insights on both directional and spread trading
- Actionable trade ideas with real time option flow
Swing/Chat Combo
- Access to Bob Lang, the industry’s leading technical expert
- Trade ideas that are handpicked to minimize market exposure and maximize returns (includes both call and put spreads)
- Directional trading ideas
- Real-time trading information
- Rich educational content via webinar library
- Charts and technical analysis
- Training focused on options trading strategies, risk management, and the psychology of markets
- Access to deep market knowledge and technical analysis
- Peek over the shoulder of active traders and get instant feedback
- Receive options trading education that benefits both beginning and advanced traders
- Insights on both directional and spread trading
- Actionable trade ideas with real time option flow
- Optional SMS text alerts
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when you sign up for any year-long membership.
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when you sign up for any year-long membership.