A great bonus for everyone here, I’m pleased and honored to bring you the work of Jason Leavitt from Leavittbrothers.com. Jason has been around for awhile and is as sharp as they come. I’ve been reading his stuff for years and always gain some knowledge from his writings. Not only is he a superb stock picker but is a fantastic writer. He has graciously accepted my invitation to share his articles with our audience. I have read many blogs and columns over the years and there just is nobody in Jason’s league. I will be putting more of his articles out in the future, I hope you enjoy his work.
In this article Jason brings to light how the market may see an optimistic side. He makes no bones about where he stands, clearly bearish over the intermediate and long term. However, there may be some daylight, and perhaps he has hit upon something here.
A Forced, Optimistic Vantage Point (click to read the article)