bob lang options trader

Embarking on a path toward successful options trading?

Bob will show you how to put it all together, whether you seek to learn on your own or adopt his trades and strategies.

At Explosive Options, we teach you how to succeed at options trading

If you want to learn more about options trading and grow your portfolio, but don’t have the time or knowledge to do it full-time, Explosive Options is for you.

Founded in 2011 by Bob Lang, the industry’s leading technical expert, we provide proprietary options trading education and knowledge to people who are committed to trading for income over the long-term.

Explosive Options is about more than just options trading, though. We’re a trading community built on trust, solid relationships, and the belief that knowledge should be freely shared.

Meet Bob Lang

bob lang options trader

Bob Lang is one of the country’s top technical analysts, expert options trader, sought-after mentor and teacher, and popular speaker at industry conferences and tradeshows.

He launched Explosive Options with one membership offering: his signature swing trading service. Members receive real-time trade ideas based on what he’s doing for his own portfolio and private clients.

Because Bob is always looking for new opportunities, his suite of offerings has grown to include a chat room and a spread trading service, which is managed by Sam DeMarco.

Bob is also a private trader in equity and option markets at his other company, Aztec Capital LLC.

Know Your Options

Know Your Options - Amazon Best Seller

In 2018, Bob Lang published the book, Know Your Options: How to Trade Options for Income Using Technical Analysis.

Co-authored with his Editor, Monika Jansen, it is the only book on the market that teaches readers how options trading works, how to succeed over the long-term and how to use technical analysis to find winning trades.

The book also includes detailed examples of what strategies to use, when to use them, and how to use them, and it provides numerous examples and real-world experiences from some of the best traders around

Daily Bites

Bob goes live on Twitter every Monday and Thursday at the start of the trading day with a chart review.

Join him live, or subscribe to receive the recording in your email.

bob lang twitter daily bites

Options Trading Coaching & Classes

As his schedule permits, Bob teaches small group and private, one-on-one options trading classes to select traders. If you’re interested in a hands-on tutorial from an expert, contact Bob.