Feeling Panicked? Kill the Noise, Read the Charts, and Other Options Trading Advice You Need Now

Do you hear that – that annoying market noise? Did you notice it’s getting louder? Bubble this and bubble that. Great value, over valued, bullish, bearish. Everyone’s a technician when the fundamentals can’t seem to explain anything.   Now is the time to turn down the volume, because the noise is getting deafening.  One of…


The Easiest Way To Up Your Options Trading Game? Eliminate Distractions

One of the many challenges that comes with trading options or stocks are the myriad distractions that tend to get in the way of accomplishing our goals. Distractions can be market-related or just life-related. Because trading requires intense concentration and focus, getting side-tracked can cause some real damage. The best traders learn to manage distractions…
